Friday, February 17, 2006

3 Post-Valentine's Day Resolutions

3 Post-Valentine's Day Resolutions

Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2006By:

So Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and it wasn’t exactly what you had hoped for. Maybe you went out on a date with someone boring just to be on a date. Perhaps you commiserated with other single friends over one too many cocktails. Or maybe you stayed home and watched really bad horror flicks with a pint of rocky road. In any case, what should have been your most romantic day of the year didn’t include roses, dinner or future possibilities.

Take heart! Better times are around the corner.

To ensure you have a better chance of making next year’s Valentine’s Day a winner, make some resolutions. No, not those unattainable ones you make at the beginning of every year like, "I will lose 75 pounds in one week" or "I will wipe out all my credit card debt." Make resolutions that are easy to keep and have lasting value.

Here are three resolutions to help you develop a more active dating life.

I will make better choices. Just a guess, but the married convict with intimacy issues probably isn't your best prospect. If you always date a workaholic and break up because you never spend time together, isn't it time to self-evaluate? Take a look at your dating history and see if there is a pattern; learn from past mistakes. Who we're attracted to and what’s good for us are often very different.

I will network more. Some people think networking is a dirty word, especially when it involves letting people know you are on the market. There’s nothing wrong with telling co-workers, friends and family that you're single. People aren’t mind readers; if you don’t tell them what your situation is, they won’t know. And think about it: everyone loves to help out their friends in the romance department.

I will take more chances. You'll have to do more than wish for an active dating life before it will actually happen. Going to the same happy hour every Friday night and meeting the same people every week will probably not fill up your social calendar. Do things you’ve never done before: join a club, take a class or search for local singles online. The more you put yourself in new environments, the better your chances are of meeting someone new. Keep your eyes open to all possibilities; inevitably you'll find your special someone where you least expect.
Resolve to be prepared for next year's Valentine's Day. What the heck? With a little help from, you could find a date in time for spring!

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