Thursday, January 05, 2006



Is Your Marriage Going Broke?by Michael Webb

Have you noticed that newspapers report that personal debt is at anall-time high and so are divorces? Do you think there might be aconnection?

In marital surveys, money and s ex usually come up as the top tworeasons for major discord between a husband and wife.

One of the biggest problems facing couples today is the huge amountof debt they bring into their marriage. Not only are there moredivorces, couples are calling it quits much earlier in theirmarriage than ever before.

One sure-fire way to insure a rocky start for a marriage is to havetens of thousands of dollars in debt (from student loans, creditcards or other bills). Even a thousand dollars in debt can cast adark cloud over your relationship if you don't have the means toquickly repay it.

Consider the rate of suicide during the great depression. Thestresses of mounting debt have pushed people to take their own livesand have been a major cause in the death of many, many marriages.

If you want to have a blissful relationship, you will need to getyour debt under control (or at least a plan to do so). Otherwise,your debt will physically and psychologically control you.

Here are some tips for getting and staying out of debt.

When you get a paycheck, the first thing you do is set aside moneyfor charity/church. Doesn't seem logical but it works.

Sit down with your partner and discuss all aspects of your familybudget. Only when you analyze your spending habits will you fullyrealize where you are wasting money. It s a great opportunity totalk about your goals and dreams.

Realize that frivolously spending money can be a sign of disrespectfor your marriage and mate.

If you would like a bigger diamond ring or a fancier car, askyourself why.

Take a quick inventory of all the items you own but could reallylive without. Consider how much you paid for them. What if youdidn't buy those items and had all that money in savings instead?Would it make a difference in how you view your job, your family andyour future?

Something to think about...

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